There is one written
paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100
marks. The paper i divided into two sections: A and B.
Section A (Compulsory -
40 marks) consists of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire
syllabus. Section B (60 marks) consists of questions which require detailed
answers and there is choice of questions in this section.
Revision of Class IX Syllabus
(i) Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes.
(ii) Values and types.
(iii) Conditionals and non-nested loops.
Class as the Basis of all Computation
Objects and Classes
Objects encapsulate state and behaviour –
numerous examples; member variables; attributes or features. Variables define
state; member functions; Operations/methods/ messages/ functions define
Classes as abstractions for sets of objects;
class as an object factory; concept of type, primitive data types, composite
data types. Variable declarations for both types; difference between the two
types. Objects as instances of a class.
Consider real life examples for explaining the
concept of class and object.
Constructor and its types.
Default constructor, parameterized
constructor, constructor with default parameter and constructor overloading.
Functions and its types
Need of functions. Types of functions (pure
and impure). Function declaration and definition, ways of calling functions
(call by value and call by reference) Returning information/messages from the
functions and use of multiple functions and more than one function with the
same name (function overloading). Use of static data member with static member
function. Discuss invocation of functions on objects (through the reference).
Discuss the concept of this with a reference to the object on which the
invocation is made again.
Class as a User Defined Type
Class as a composite type, distinction between
primitive type and composite or class types.
Class may be considered as a new data type
created by the user, that has its own functionality.
The distinction between primitive and
composite types should be discussed through examples. Show how classes allow
user defined types in programs. All primitive types have corresponding class
The following methods are to be covered:
int parseInt(String s), int valueOf(String s),
long parseLong(String s), long valueOf(String s), float parseFloat(String s),
float valueOf(String s), double parseDouble(String s), double valueOf(String
s), boolean isDigit(char ch), boolean isLetter(char ch), boolean
isLetterOrDigit(char ch), boolean isLowerCase(char ch), boolean
isUpperCase(char ch), boolean isWhitespace(char ch), char to LowerCase (char
ch), char to UpperCase(char ch)
Loops, nested loops, break and continue.
Revision of loops (while, do while and for).
Show how each kind of loop can be converted to the other form of the loop.
Introduce nested loops through some simple examples. Demonstrate break and
continue statements with the help of loops/nested loops.
Using Library Classes
Simple input/output. String, packages and
import statements.
Browsing the documentation for classes in the
libraries and illustrating their use. The following functions have to be
String library functions:
- Char
charAt (int n)
- int
compareTo(String1, String2)
- String
concat(String str)
- boolean
endsWith(String str)
- boolean
equals(String str)
- boolean
equalsIgnoreCase(String str)
- int
indexOf(char ch)
- int
lastIndexOf(char ch)
- int
length( )
- String
replace (char oldChar,char newChar)
- boolean
startsWith(String str)
- String
substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
- String
toLowerCase( )
- String
toUpperCase( )
- String
trim( )
- String
valueOf(all types)
Mathematical Library
pow(x,y), log(x), sqrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x),
rint(x), abs(a), max(a, b), min(a,b), random( ), sin(x), cos(x), tan(x).
Introduce the concept of packages and import
statement (Avoid discussing the details of libraries).
Access specifiers and scope and visibility
Access specifiers – private and public.
Visibility rules for private, package and public access specifiers. Scope of
variables, instance variables, argument variables, local variables.
Arrays – storing, retrieving and arranging
Arrays and their uses, sorting algorithms -
selection sort and bubble sort; Search algorithms – linear search and binary
search Example of a composite type. Array creation. Sorting and searching
algorithms should be discussed (single dimensional array only).
10. Input/Output
Basic input/output using Scanner and Printer
classes from JDK.
The Scanner class can be used for input of various types of data (e.g.
int, float, char etc.) from the standard input stream.
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